
2/28/2014 – The month of February ended with a complete change in the PDF display graphs, which I think will greatly improve the visual quality of the information being displayed.

Some updates on the site as of Today:

  • Automatic retrieval and update of all stocks, currencies, and indices complete (all updated to 02/25/2014)
  • Added 2520 day windows for the DJIA and SP500
  • Added 5040 day windows for the DJIA and SP500 (these, by themselves, took the entire week)


The Bubble Index has been run on all S&P 500 stocks and 19 currencies! Try it now.

Also, I have added daily price data to the PDF files. The next goal is to complete The Bubble Index for about 15 currency exchange rates. (NOTE: DONE)

The next goal is to code the automatic grab of daily data and update the index values for daily updates.

Commodity Fetishism, Bubbles, and Elliott Waves

Perhaps a connection between these ideas? This quote from Wikipedia’s page on commodity fetishism triggered a curiosity:

The value of a commodity originates from the human being’s intellectual and perceptual capacity to consciously (subjectively) ascribe a relative value (importance) to a commodity, the goods and services manufactured by the labour of a worker. Therefore, in the course of the economic transactions (buying and selling) that constitute market exchange, people ascribe subjective values to the commodities (goods and services), which the buyers and the sellers then perceive as objective values, the market-exchange prices that people will pay for the commodities.

Read here for more information on commodity fetishism. I saw Dr. Rodrigue’s plot while reading more about Karl Marx’s commodity fetishism on Wikipedia. Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue’s blog (where there is commentary on market bubbles) contains the following graphic:

There are many ideas in my mind after reading and thinking about the connections between commodity fetishism, bubbles, and Elliott Waves. In addition, the plot of bubble phases by Dr. Rodrigue’s has a clear connection with the 5 wave impulse and 3 wave correction. I need to think more about some of these ideas and formulate some clearly written ideas.

Multiagent’s model of stock market with p-adic description of prices – Viktor Zharkov Mikhailovich

I find the ideas of Elliott and Prechter to be of extreme importance in understanding large scale social networks of humans. The idea of Elliott Waves, their numbering and theory are convincing as evidence suggests in the charts and data of financial history. I would not be surprised if further research into the physics, math, biology, and dynamics of massive human networks reached the conclusion that Elliott Waves are the result of a fundamental physical process governed by mathematical relationships inherent in human networks.

Perhaps the paper by Viktor Zharkov Mikhailovich, entitled Multiagent’s model of stock market with p-adic description of prices is such an answer.

Updated Site

I spent the last few weeks developing a new website with Play Framework. Hosted by Red Hat via Openshift, The Bubble Index now allows anyone to download the most recent PDF on various indices, stocks, currencies, and commodities. However, only about fifty PDF files are published on the website as of January 7th; most are a few months old. I now have all the daily data in the correct format (thanks to the yahoo RUBY GEM and lots of BASH scripts) to be ran through The Bubble Index application. In the next few weeks, I should be able to upload a Bubble Index for all the S&P 500 stocks.
The goal of the site is to host all 500 S&P stocks, 15 major indices, 10 currencies and 10 commodities; which are all updated at least once a week.